Tuesday, September 9, 2008


it sounds like a fun word
pogonophobia is the fear of beards
which also sounds fun
fear of beards
yesterday i encountered my first ever pogonophobic
her husband...who had a goatee(which i am more grossed out than fearful of)
ordered some stuff from my work
he wasn't sure how many so he starts yelling to his wife
who is standing a good 60 feet away
i say "why doesn't your wife just come over here?"
and he replies "she has a thing for beards"
my head gets a lil big because i'm thinking he's saying "she thinks beards are hot
and they make her nervous"
so i laugh it off
then he keeps yelling to her and i'm like " come on just get her over here"
and he says "no she's really weird about beards"
"weird" gets me because it's not an attractive word
so i ask "what do you mean?"
and he says "she's deathly afraid of beards"
i laugh then realize he's not kidding
and i point out his lame facial hair and he says " i know i know..but a full beard
she can't get near it"
so i wave to her
and she waves back and i offer him one coarse red beard hair to take to her
to sneak in her pocket
he does not accept
and i say "take care"


sarah said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhahah! i love that! good thing she wasn't born into a circus family!

a.p.heckel said...

... maybe she was, sarah. and had a terrible experience.